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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Ish’s Top 10 Stories from India

I love my home base. I love that as soon as I land in Florida my family is eager to see me, hot sinigang soup is at the dinner table, and I have a new baby nephew to meet for the first time. I had only 8 days before I flew off to LA and then to China; I felt that I had to quickly close the India chapter of my life so I made it a point to organize my photos, unpack and pack quickly, and then visit as many family and friends so that I can share my adventures and once again thank them all for pushing me along to travel and explore this year. It was tough picking out which stories to share first. Many experiences were special to me and worth telling, it is impossible to say all in one go. This is why I need a Top 10 list; I just know it'll be fun journaling this especially since I am on a plane right now for the next 5 hours, sitting by the window with only God’s cloudy skies to accompany me.

10. Turbans are cool
-I don’t mean in the fashion sense but rather in what they stand for. Don’t worry, as my grandmother Julie once said “I was born a Catholic, I will die a Catholic” and that she did. Just like her I seem to find myself being exposed to many religions during travel and making the best of friends with beautiful people who are so different. This never confuses my faith though; in fact it just brings me closer to God. He made the world really a fantastic place and I am able to form new opinions of how awesome His works are.. For example, the common stereotype of turbans=terrorists is now for me, turbans= courage, unity, practicality, yogi wisdom, and even an art form. It takes friendship to help open your eyes and I just want to thank brothers Amrinder and Arvinder for giving me the ultimate India adventure tour during my first week. I swear, I often felt like I jumped into National Geographic Travel Channel with all the places we visited and the various ways we got ourselves there. Forever Shookria and Namaste to both of you!

9. Childhood Dreams Come True
(Trish and I wanted to travel together someday, we were sixteen then...10 years later we were off to INDIA).
-Friends divide burden and multiply joy. This saying is a no-brainer but to actually experience it intensely for two whole months in a foreign county creates all kinds of crazy stories and special advantages. To name a few: we get to capture the best photos because we can anticipate each other’s special moments; splitting the costs (I only paid $6 a night to live in a spacious and cute beach hut), shopping without money, walking together in pitch darkness with our pepper sprays right after being offered drugs, accidentally locking Tricia inside our hut that she had to yell so that she wouldn’t be late for our yoga class, and just countless more.

To be computer battery is dying!!!

1 comment:

S. said...

lol. love your stories ish. keep your readers posted!