I didn't even know Wikipedia was a wiki....i use it so often! (no worries, i don't use them on my school papers, my professors tell me often enough) That's why it's called WIKIpedia--duh ish.
"A Wiki is a quick-to-build, easy-to-edit website on which all information can be edited, changed, or rewritten by the users or members of the site. It is an incredibly useful tool for collaborative writing, pooling knowledge or exchanging ideas, especially on a subject that changes or needs updating frequently. The word "Wiki" comes from the Hawaiian phrase "wiki wiki", which is commonly used to indicate something fast." We are all authors!
I really liked Library Success: A Best Practices
It's really a social network because the topics were extensive and the format was very similar to wikipedia. Very clean and easy to use. I plan to be a librarian maybe as my 2nd or 3rd career (although I have yet to figure out my 1st!) but when I do, I shall contribute to this one. This application can help libraries share their knowledge and experiences with each other.