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Friday, October 19, 2007

How We WorK

We aRe Tech Services


MK said...

This department looks like a fun place to work. I think I'll apply there. Wait! I already work there. I guess I'm having more fun than I realized!


ishfully goes, grows and glows! said...

Just'll be in the next videO Mr. Kmetzko...maybe I'll make one bout' ur ties.

Meg said...

Looks like a lot of fun. The pictures were made for a music video!

CarrieG said...

So that's what happens on the 3rd floor! I always wondered what really went on behind scences :)

The DD Psych-o-Lady said...

You guys should invite your friendly neighbors to join in on your fun. We like fun too, ya know!!!!! ;oP

L said...

No one would ever expect this much fun and excitement from Tech Services....don't judge a dept. by it's ...