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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Studying Asians in India

Pema was laughing. I look at her and she says “We are such a stereotype!”
It’s so true. It is Saturday afternoon, everyone else is enjoying their precious weekend and yet here we are at Ocean Side Restaurant, our yoga textbooks scattered on the table while we do our homework. Pema is Tibetan, Trish is Chinese, Marissa is Japanese and I’m Filipino. We all laugh and continue to study. I think for the most part, this stereotype suits me. I love to have fun and the best way to have fun is to do so when you are completely free, a.k.a. no homework waiting to be done.

Plans this weekend: Watch the sun set by the beach with Eddie and Maja playing drums, attend Sunday mass in Konkani language, Panjim Market and Bookstore, an ayurvedic massage with guru, and endless fresh fruit shakes with every meal. Life is good.

1 comment:

Anna said...

can i have a taste of those fruit shakes you keep on talking about?